The HiVE™ | Multi-Generational Wealth Building Strategy: A Guide to Creating a Lasting Legacy
Paperback & Kindle - Audio Book (Coming Soon!)
Generational wealth is the accumulation of assets passed down from generation to generation. Assets are items, property, and other things that hold immediate value and have the opportunity to increase in value. It can include anything from cash and investments to real estate and businesses. While it is possible to build generational wealth in a single lifetime, it is often more sustainable and successful when it is built over multiple generations. In other words, someone plants a tree that they will not live to see fully grown. And that takes vision, discipline and commitment!
Building multi-generational wealth has many benefits. For one, it can provide a sense of security and stability for future generations by giving them a stable financial foundation to build on. This is especially true when families commit to the concept of multi-generational wealth and put their resources behind the effort. Additionally, multi-generational wealth can be used to promote charitable giving and other philanthropic activities. However, this book aims to suggest a solution for bridging the wealth gap without using many unnecessary words, or what I like to call "word salad." I want to pique your interest enough to encourage you to learn more about wealth building and wealth transfer. Hopefully, you will contact a financial professional to guide your wealth-building and transfer journey.
Saving, investing, and leveraging wealth with life insurance is the best way to bridge the net worth gap. Having a structured and comprehensive financial plan that addresses every component of wealth building, including generational wealth transfer, is critical in the successful quest to build real wealth. As I always say: "A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step: planning!"

Mini Moguls Future Billionaire: Lessons in Money Management
Kindle Edition
A financial comic book that uses cartoon characters to tell stories that teach youth about saving, investing and entrepreneurism.
Along the way they learn the value of participating in their financial future. They learn critical thinking skills and improve their core academic components of reading, writing and mathematics.

A Fool and his money: The financial education of Anthony Fool
Paper Back & Kindle Editions
This is a lighthearted approach to a serious subject: Wealth Building. In this book we are entertained by Anthony Fool’s interesting outlook on life, love and finances. But we are also educated by the sound financial advice provided by James Marshall. A Fool and his money is a continuation of the Edutainment approach James Marshall first used in his financial comic book, Mini Moguls Future Billionaire. Enjoy this easy read filled with knowledge and humor.

Wealth: Unlock the Secrets to Creating and Protecting Black Family Prosperity
Paper Back & Kindle Editions
Wealth: Unlock the Secrets to Creating and Protecting Black Family Prosperity, the book captures the questions plaguing black families about money management and planning. Wealth cuts through much of the mystery of effectively managing your money. Written in an easy to grasp language, the book imparts valuable knowledge on investing, college funding and taxes, giving insights into estate planning, retirement planning, insurance/risk management.